Towards a Safer & More Sustainable Future

Crafted to uphold structural integrity independently of air pressure, MOLACT Tires are engineered for durability even in harsh conditions. With a focus on sustainability and safety, they provide valuable insights while catering to eco-conscious individuals and those in search of energy-efficient travel options. Opting for MOLACT Tires signifies a dedication to both environmental preservation and cutting-edge transportation solutions.

Tires can contribute to environmental problems and impact the Earth in several ways:

  1. Resource Extraction and Manufacturing: The production of tires involves extracting and processing raw materials, such as rubber from rubber trees, oil for synthetic rubber, and various chemicals. The extraction and manufacturing processes can result in habitat destruction, deforestation, and pollution.

  2. Air Pollution during Production: The manufacturing process of tires can release pollutants into the air, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other harmful chemicals. These emissions can contribute to air pollution and have adverse effects on human health and the environment.

  3. Energy Consumption: The production of tires requires a significant amount of energy. The extraction, processing, and transportation of raw materials, as well as the manufacturing process itself, contribute to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

  4. Waste Generation: Tires pose a significant waste management challenge. When tires reach the end of their life, they can become a source of environmental pollution if not disposed of properly. Improperly discarded tires can accumulate in landfills or illegal dumpsites, leading to habitat disruption and potential leaching of harmful substances into the soil and water.

  5. Fire Hazards: Large tire piles can be susceptible to fires, which are difficult to control and extinguish. Tire fires release toxic smoke and pollutants into the air, posing a threat to air quality and human health.

  6. Microplastic Pollution: Tires wear down over time due to friction with the road surface, releasing tiny particles known as microplastics. These microplastics can enter water bodies, soil, and the air, contributing to environmental pollution.

Military Application

When It Started

In late 2016, Matthew Braxton embarked on a journey across the United States of America, eventually finding his way to the colorful state of Colorado. Along the way, he encountered numerous challenges with tires, sparking his determination to find a better solution. One fateful day, while looking at car magazines in a store, he noticed the shelf’s remarkable combination of strength and flexibility. Recalling the tale of Jenney, an engineer he had heard about during his kayaking adventures on the Chicago River, Braxton’s inspiration began to crystallize. Legend had it that Jenney had fixed the issue of collapsing buildings after the tragic Great Chicago Fire. His revelation came when he witnessed his wife placing a hefty book atop a wire birdcage, prompting the notion that an iron framework could provide structural support for buildings. For years thereafter, Braxton delved into research and prototyping, persisting with his endeavors even amidst the challenges of the pandemic.

The Home Insurance Building weighed only a third as much as it would have in stone. Photograph: Corbis

For obvious reasons, when the New York Home Insurance Company sought a new Chicago headquarters in the bustling downtown area, they prioritized fireproofing while also aiming for grandiosity in size. Jenney’s innovative metal-framed design emerged victorious in their open contest, heralded for its fire-resistant materials and enhanced protective features.

Early Prototype Testing

MOLACT (Molecular Active) Tires & RECO (Reactive Compound) Technology utilize state-of-the-art proprietary materials. MOLACT Tires has successfully patented a functioning system to address issues due to puntures. Reach out to us today for further information!

Initial trials with SMA (Shape Memory Alloys) in early prototypes exhibited potential for providing supplementary support amidst weather fluctuations. Following 11 iterations, we’ve curated a range of functional materials and a viable system for further enhancement.

To propel our prototypes forward and subject the technology to high-speed and extreme condition testing, we’re seeking funding. Our allocation plan involves investing in injection molds and implementing RECO (Reactive Compound) Technology.

Fun fact: Did you know that Lego holds the title of the largest distributor of tires?

From golf carts to airplanes, MOLACT Tires and RECO Technology are adaptable to fit a diverse array of vehicles!

Unlimited Potential

Awarded Patents & More

Molact Tires operates as a licensing company with full ownership of our proprietary technology. Holding patents in both the United States and China, with additional patents pending in over 20 other countries, we boast a robust intellectual property portfolio. Backed by functional prototypes, validated materials, and cutting-edge manufacturing techniques, Molact Tires stands at the forefront of innovation in the tire industry.

Existing Technology Applications

Although MOLACT Tires & RECO Technology can employ sophisticated materials, they also rely on many common tools for testing and maintenance purposes. Both MOLACT Tires & RECO Technology utilize systems that have undergone rigorous testing across multiple prototypes. With the capability to reduce roll resistance through hysteresis, reactive molecules, and reactive compounds, MOLACT Tires holds promise in pushing the boundaries of tire evolution. Furthermore, this groundbreaking design has the potential to decrease the weight of essential components and materials needed.


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